Jan 17, 2025
$35.50 hourly
company operating name : Hilux Flooring Inc.
business address: 704-1334 13 Avenue SW; Calgary, AB T3C 3S2
title of the position: Floor Covering Installer (NOC 73113)
vacancies : 3
job duties:
Prepare floors for installations
Inspect, measure and mark surfaces to be covered
Measure, cut and fasten underlay and underpadding
Measure, cut and install carpeting using hand or machine stitcher, seaming iron, bonding tape or other bonding materials
Stretch carpeting using knee-kicker or power stretcher and secure carpeting to floor or other surfaces using staple gun or other devices
Measure, cut and install resilient floor covering using adhesive, rollers and other hand tools
Install hardwood floors, such as strip floors, block floors or plank floors, using glue, staples, nails or other means
Inspect and repair damaged floor coverings
terms of employment : permanent full-time; 40 hours per week...
Hilux Flooring Inc.
Calgary, AB, Canada
No Vaccination Mandate